8 Best CBD Vape Pens for ADHD

If you are suffering from Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), vaping CBD can help alleviate some of the symptoms of ADHD. In this guide (UPDATED 2022), we handpicked the 8 best CBD vape pens for ADHD in the UK based on their quality, efficacy and value for money.

Best CBD Vape Pens for ADHD

According to the Royal College of Psychiatrists, ADHD is a growing concern in the UK with 3% to 6% percent of school-aged children being diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, and one in seven of these cases stays until adulthood.

More worryingly though, whilst only 120,000 people in the UK have been formally diagnosed with the condition, ADHD Action believes that about 1.5 million adults in the UK have the condition.

ADHD is a serious problem to many parents, carers, teachers, and employers, given that it’s widely associated with low productivity at work, poor academic performance, and chronic mental issues.

What is ADHD?

ADHD – short for Attention Deficit with Hyperactivity Disorder – is a neurodevelopmental anomaly. This brain-based condition affects both adults and children but usually develops from childhood into adulthood. Experts believe that you’re likely to develop ADHD as adults if you had it at teenage or childhood, but the good news is that the symptoms may gradually reduce with age.

Typical ADHD symptoms include hyperactivity, impulsivity, and inattentiveness. The resultant effects manifest in different ways, based on the particular type of ADHD.

Patients with the inattention subtype lose attention easily and find concentration a hassle. This subclass may not experience compulsive behaviours and hyperactivity.

Conversely, children with compulsive-hyperactive ADHD display abnormally high hyperactivity and may find it particularly tricky to control their behaviour as expected of their age.

Another class reports symptoms of both inattentiveness and compulsive-hyperactivity.

Causes of ADHD

ADHD is inarguably the most studied aspect of adolescent and children’s mental health. Research is yet to unravel the actual cause of the mental disorder.

Some evidence say ADHD is genetic. Research authors discovered that certain family lines are most exposed to ADHD, as it is most common among relatives. A child’s chances of developing ADHD may be higher if both or either parent has it.

We do not yet know the specific genes associated with ADHD. Several studies have, however, investigated the links between ADHD and DRD4 gene. Reports suggest that the DRD4 gene affects receptors to which dopamine binds in the brain. Researchers have found a variant of this gene (DRD4) in ADHD patients.

Given research reports, many experts think the gene may have a hand in ADHD development. Most likely, other genes may contribute.

Noteworthily, however, people with zero ADHD family history still get ADHD. Environment and several other factors may also cause or aggravate ADHD symptoms.

Possible triggers include:

  • Neurotoxins: Research reports suggest a link between ADHD and certain neurochemicals, including Lead and certain pesticides. Studies say kids’ exposure to Lead may impact their learning negatively. A 2013 Clinical Psychology Review says Lead may potentially cause impulsivity, hyperactivity, and inattention. Chemicals sprayed on agricultural produces and lawns are possible culprits too. Exposure to these pesticides, collectively called organophosphates, may trigger ADHD development – according to research. A supportive 2016 study shows organophosphates may impact children’s neurodevelopment adversely.
  • Nutrition: There is no evidence suggesting that food additives – like preservatives and dyes – can cause hyperactivity in kids. Most packaged snacks and processed foods house artificial colouring. Soft drinks, fruit pies, and jams are a common home for sodium benzoate preservative. Researchers are yet uncertain whether these chemical additives can cause ADHD.
  • Alcohol and smoking: It’s believed environmental influences of ADHD play out at the prenatal stage. Parental exposure to smoking and drinking may cause ADHD symptoms in children. A 2012 study says children who had prenatal exposure to drugs and alcohol had higher chances to develop ADHD.
  • Brain structure and function: Studies have shown likely differences in the brain structure of those with ADHD and those without the disorder. Scientists do not fully understand the implication of this difference. For instance, brain scan studies suggest a possible contraction in a particular part of the brain of people with ADHD, while other areas may be bigger. Related research shows ADHD patients may have imbalanced levels of neurotransmitters in the brain, or the chemicals may be non-functional.

Different Types of ADHD

ADHD manifests in three primary forms, namely:

Impulsive-hyperactive ADHD: This is regarded as the least prevalent ADHD subtype. This variant comes with hyperactive and impulsive behaviours, without necessarily exhibiting distractibility or inattention

With impulsive, hyperactive ADHD, one may experience:

  • Talkative tendency
  • Fidgeting, restlessness
  • Difficulty sitting at a place
  • Impatience
  • Almost always on the go
  • Can hardly sustain quiet activities
  • Fiddling or playing with items around, even when not related to the subject at hand
  • Unrelated comment and responses
  • Acting out of turn

People with impulsive-hyperactive ADHD are known to disrupt activities in class, for kids, or at the workplace, for adults.

Inattentive ADHD: This form of ADHD basically comes with distractibility and inattention. Victims may (or may not) be hyperactive – but this isn’t the predominant symptom.

Attentive ADHD is usually associated with:

  • Being easily bored
  • Ignoring details
  • Easily distracted. Difficulty focusing on tasks
  • Mental clutter and difficulty organizing thoughts
  • Misplacing papers, pencils, and other work tools
  • Day dreamy – appear weak and slow
  • Difficulty sticking to instructions and directions
  • Relatively slow information processing

While ADHD is generally more prevalent in males than females, studies show inattentive ADHD is predominant in girls than boys.

Combined ADHD: This form of ADHD is characterized by a combination of hyperactive and/or impulsive behaviours and inattention. This is considered the commonest subtype of ADHD. However, in preschool-age, hyperactivity is most common.

Side Effects of ADHD Medication

Several treatment options help alleviate ADHD symptoms and reduce their impacts on the day-to-day life quality of ADHD sufferers.

ADHD treatment includes therapies and medicines – a combination of both options may deliver the best effects. Psychiatrists or paediatricians usually supervise treatments while a general practitioner monitors.

There are only five groups of medicine approved for ADHD treatment, namely:

  • Methylphenidate
  • Guanfacine
  • Dexamphetamine
  • Atomoxetine
  • Lisdexamfetamine

These drugs are not cures for the disorder and have been designed to improve focus, reduce impulsive tendencies, increase mental calmness, and help ADHD sufferers concentrate. They do this by increasing brain activities, particularly across areas associated with behaviour and attention.

However, whilst they help people suffering from ADHD, they often present adverse reactions or side-effects which can be incredibly unpleasant for patients. The main complaints include:

  • Headaches
  • Insomnia
  • A mild increase in heart rate and blood pressure
  • Loss of appetite
  • Mood swings
  • Abdominal pain
  • Dry mouth
  • Tiredness or fatigue
  • Reduced appetite
  • Diarrhoea
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Dizziness

Can CBD Vaping Help With ADHD?

The human body contains a specialized system called the ECS (the endocannabinoid system), which aim is to regulate a variety of functions such as sleep, appetite, pain and immune system response. The body also produces endocannabinoids, which are simply neurotransmitters that bind to cannabinoid receptors in your nervous system.

CBD is believed to interact with specific receptors, specifically the CB1R and CB2R.

  • CB1 receptors, which are located in various regions of the body, with a large concentration in the central nervous system and brain, co-ordinate mood, emotion, appetite, and other functions.
  • CB2 receptors are more commonly found in the immune system and are responsible for controlling inflammation and pain. CBD stimulates these receptors and induces the body to release serotonin.

Serotonin, or 5-HT, is a neurotransmitter that carries signals from one neuron to the other. CBD increases the level of serotonin, which, in return, helps reduce pain, reduce inflammation as well as provide a range of other health benefits. When it comes to ADHD the main benefits of CBD vape pens include:

  • Antidepressant: CBD has both anti-anxiety and antidepressant properties, and can help people suffering from ADHD who feel anxious or depressed due to their condition. It does this by regulating the functions of the hippocampus and the amygdala, and therefore their effects on how our brain processes potentially anxiety ridden situations.
  • Analgesic (Pain Relief): CBD has analgesic (pain relief) properties and can help relieve the pain associated with ADHD medication such as headaches or abdominal pain.
  • Antiemetic (Nausea & Vomiting): CBD has strong antiemetic properties (prevent vomiting) which can help people with ADHD who suffer from Nausea when taking ADHD medication.
  • Sleep: BD has a calming effect on both the mind and the body, allowing people to fall asleep more easily and stay asleep throughout the night. This is particularly useful for ADHD sufferers as one of the common symptoms amongst ADHD patients is a lack of refreshing sleep.

Choosing CBD vape pens is therefore a natural way to manage the symptoms of ADHD and side effects of ADHD medication.

Other Health Benefits of CBD

But the health benefits of CBD do not stop there and CBD oil can help with many other conditions:

  • CBD for Stress: CBD helps reduce stress and calm both the body and mind, through its interaction with both the Hippocampus and the Amygdala.
  • CBD for Headaches: CBD reduces the frequency of headaches as well as reduce stress and improve sleep, two major triggers of headaches.
  • CBD for Cancer: CBD helps relieve some of the symptoms of cancer as well as reducing the side of effects of cancer medication such as nausea, vomiting and pain.
  • CBD for Epilepsy: CBD helps reduce the frequency and intensity of seizures in epileptic patients, and may also counteract some of the side effects of traditional anti-epileptic.
  • CBD for Arthritis: CBD has antiarthritic, analgesic (pain relief) as well as anti-inflammatory properties and as such is a great option for people suffering from arthritis. According to a poll conducted by the Arthritis Foundation, 29% of 2,600 patients with either osteoarthritis (52%) or rheumatoid arthritis (45%) for 10 or more years, stated using CBD in liquid or topical form to manage their arthritis symptoms, especially pain. Of those using CBD, most reported improvement in physical function (67%), sleep (71%), and well-being (77%):

Please note: The views and opinions in this guide to the best CBD vape pens for ADHD is based on perspective of the CBD Unboxed team and people who have used CBD for ADHD. CBD Unboxed does not validate any medical claims that may be present in this article. Everyone’s experience with CBD products is different and we would always advise doing more research and speaking to your health practitioner before using CBD products.

Types of CBD Vape Pens for ADHD

Choosing CBD vape pens, is a natural way to manage the pain experienced as well as other symptoms linked to ADHD and ADHD medication that may impact your day-to-day life such as nausea, poor sleep, or increased stress, anxiety and depression. This is why the CBD Unboxed team has tested over 100 CBD vape pens and vape kits and picked the 8 best CBD vape pens for ADHD in the UK.

Products were ranked based on five factors including:

  • Product effectiveness
  • Brand reputation
  • Customer reviews
  • Transparency of lab reports
  • Value for money

As there are many different types of CBD pens – from disposable to refillable – we’ve selected products across four different categories and at different price points to suit every need and budget:

+ Disposable Vape Pens: Disposable vape pens are small cigarette style pens which have been pre-filled with CBD vape oil and are disposable. They contain between 100 and 250 puffs and can be disposed when empty. These are perfect for beginners or ADHD sufferers who want to occasionally use CBD vape pens for rapid relief.

+ Rechargeable Vape Pods: Vape pods are similar to refillable vape pens, but use CBD pods instead of pre-filled cartridges. This is a great alternative to refillable vape pens as you can easily switch between nicotine and CBD pods, without the hassle of having to carry two vape pens or having to refill them. This is the perfect solution for ADHD patients who also smoke nicotine.

+ Refillable Vape Pens: Refillable vape pens are exactly the same as disposable ones, the main difference being that small cartridges filled with vape oil can be purchase separately in order to replace empty cartridges. Whilst they are more costly to purchase, they are more economical over the long term.

+ Large Vape Kits: Vape kits tend to be bigger when compared to vape pens and produce more smoke. Unlike refillable vape pens which use pre-filled cartridges, vape kits are rechargeable using CBD vape oil – also called CBD e-liquid or CBD juice – which can be purchased separately. These tend to be more economical than refillable and disposable vape pens, but not as convenient due to their bulky nature.

CBD has been proven to help with the symptoms of ADHD as well as counteract the side effects of traditional ADHD medication such as abdominal pain, headaches, insomnia, nausea and vomiting or mood swings. Best of all, CBD does not have any of the known side effects of traditional ADHD medication. 

Disposable CBD Vape Pens for ADHD

As the name indicates, these CBD vape pens are small cigarette style pens which have been pre-filled with CBD vape oil and are disposable, meaning you will not be able to refill them. They work thanks to a built-in coil and battery. When the person smoking sucks on the mouthpiece of the vape pen, the battery sends a charge to the coil which causes the temperature to rise in the atomizer. This process heats-up the CBD vape oil in the cartridge and transforms it into vapor which can then be inhaled.

CBD vape pens are a great way to start as you do not need to worry about how they work or refilling them. Simply turn them on and start vaping. However, their longevity is usually limited to 100-150 large inhalations which is not idea if you are a heavier CBD smoker.

1. VAAY Disposable Vape Pens

The VAAY CBD Vape Pen (Mint) is a disposable CBD vape pen which offers an enjoyable and effective way of consuming CBD.

This vape pen from VAAY contains 250mg of pure CBD and will last for approximately 150 puffs. This is a great alternative to consume CBD as vaping allows for quick absorption by the body and provides almost immediate relief.

VAAY CBD vape pens use CBD extracts derived from organic hemp plants that are grown under the highest agricultural directives in the Europe and the company use a CO2 extraction process to produce their CBD.

You’ll get 150 puffs per vape pen, with each puff delivering approximately 1.5mg of CBD.

+ Content: 1 x Disposable CBD Vape Pen
+ CBD: 250mg of Pure Hemp Derived CBD
+ Flavours: 4 Different Flavours
+ Ingredients: CBD, terpenes and MCT oil
+ Great For: Pain Relief, Nausea, Sleep & Anxiety
+ THC Content: Naturally THC-Free
+ Price: £34.90

This CBD vape pen is available in 4 delicious flavours:

Flavour CBD per Pen*
VAAY Mint CBD Pen 250mg
VAAY Fruit CBD Pen 250mg
VAAY Herbal CBD Pen 250mg
VAAY Lemon CBD Pen 250mg

* VAAY CBD Pen will last for about 150 puffs (1 dose 0f 10mg = 6 puffs)

2. Orange County Disposable Vape Pens (Cheapest)

Orange County disposable CBD Vape Pen is one of the classiest way to get your hit of CBD as its design is very close to rechargeable vape pods. These disposable pens are made with Orange County award-winning broad-spectrum CBD and designed to emulate your senses thanks to 10 different flavours.

This vape pen from Orange County contains a whopping 600mg of CBD and will last for approximately 700 puffs, and so can last up to 2 months if taking 10 puffs before going to sleep.

Orange County disposable CBD vape pens use CBD extracts derived from organic hemp plants that are grown under the highest agricultural directives in California (USA) and the company use a CO2 extraction process to produce their CBD.

+ Content: 1 x Disposable CBD Vape Pen
+ CBD: 600mg of Broad-Spectrum CBD
+ Flavours: 10 Different Flavours
+ Great For: Pain Relief, Nausea, Sleep & Anxiety
+ THC Content: Naturally THC-Free
+ Price: £24.99

This CBD vape pen is available in 10 delicious flavours:

Flavour Price BUY
Mimosa £24.99 BUY
Lemonade £24.99 BUY
Strawberry Kush £24.99 BUY
Gelato £24.99 BUY
Mango Haze £24.99 BUY
Wedding Cake £24.99 BUY
Banana Kush £24.99 BUY
Zittlez £24.99 BUY
Blueberry Muffin £24.99 BUY
Alien OG £24.99 BUY

3. CBDfx Disposable Vape Pens (Great Flavours)

CBDfx CBD Vape Pen is a disposable CBD vape pen which offers an enjoyable and effective way of consuming CBD.

It contains 500mg of pure CBD (Ceramic coil with 2mL of CBD liquid) and will last for approximately 800 puffs. This is a great alternative to get your daily dose of CBD as vaping allows for quick absorption by the body and provides almost immediate relief.

CBDfx CBD vape pens use CBD extracts derived from organic hemp plants that are grown under the highest agricultural directives in California (USA) and the company use a CO2 extraction process to produce their CBD.

+ Content: 1 x Disposable CBD Vape Pen
+ CBD: 500mg of Broad-Spectrum CBD
+ Flavours: 6 Different Flavours
+ Great For: Sleep, Relaxation, Pain Relief
+ THC Content: Naturally THC-Free
+ Price: £24.99

This CBD vape pen comes in 6 delicious flavours:

Flavour CBD* BUY
Tropic Breeze 500mg BUY
Fresh Mint 500mg BUY
Strawberry Lemonade 500mg BUY
Blue Raspberry 500mg BUY
Pineapple Express 500mg BUY
OG Kush 500mg BUY

* CBDfx vape pens will last for about 800 puffs

Best CBD Vape Pods for ADHD

CBD vape pods are similar to disposable CBD vape pens, but come with pre-filled CBD pods or cartridges which can be purchased separately in order to replace empty pods and cartridges.

These vape pens are usually a little more expensive as the build quality is better since the vape pen itself can be used for longer periods of time since they use pre-filled cartridges than can be replaced. However, they remain very discreet and are incredibly convenient as vape pods can easily be changed – for example to use a stronger or weaker CBD (e.g. day vs evening vaping), or if you fancy a different flavour. This is great as you can increase your CBD intake very easily by switching the pods, which can come in handy if you are really in pain and need a higher dose of CBD to get immediate relief.

CBD vape pens are used with compatible CBD oil cartridges or pods. The cartridges come pre-filled with CBD vape oil or CBD distillate (more on this below) and hold between 0.5ml and 1ml of CBD vape juice. You will need to be sure that the CBD oil cartridges you bought are compatible with the CBD vape pen you already possess since vape pens come in different shapes and sizes.

3. Provacan CBD VapePod (Editor’s Choice)

The Provacan CBD vapepod is a small USB rechargeable vape pen which offers an enjoyable and effective way of consuming CBD.

This vape pen from Provacan can only be used with Provacan VapePod compatible pre-filled cartridges, which contain between 250mg and 360mg of CBD per 0.5ml pod, which equates to approximately 300 doses for each individual pod.

+ Content: 1 x Refillable CBD Vape Pen
+ CBD: 360mg of Pure Hemp Derived CBD
+ Flavours: 6 Different Flavours
+ Ingredients: 50/50 PG:VG Ratio
+ Great For: Pain Relief, Nausea, Sleep & Anxiety
+ THC Content: Naturally THC-Free
+ Price: £129.99 (incl. daytime vape oil 72%)

Provacan offers 4 different terpenes for the CBD vapepod:

4. Harmony Tempo CBD VapePod

Harmony TEMPO pod contains an e-liquid formulation that combines propylene glycol, vegetable glycerine, terpenes, and CBD. Powered by a design and ultra-compact device, the Harmony TEMPO delivers the ultimate CBD vaping experience.

This vape pen from Harmony can only be used with Harmony compatible pre-filled vapepods, which contain between 250mg and 360mg of CBD per 0.5ml pod, which equates to approximately 300 doses for each individual pod.

+ Content: 1 x TEMPO device & 3 TEMPO pods pre-filled
+ CBD: 106mg of CBD per pod
+ Flavours: 6 Different Flavours
+ Great For: Pain Relief, Nausea, Sleep & Anxiety
+ THC Content: Naturally THC-Free
+ Price: £39.99 (incl. 3 tempo pods)

Refillable CBD Vape Pens for ADHD

Refillable CBD vape pens are exactly the same as disposable ones, the main difference being that they can be used over and over as the small tank, which contains between 0.5ml and 1ml of e-liquid, can be filled at any time using the CBD oil of your choice.

These vape pens are usually a little more expensive as you are essentially buying a vape pen that you will keep for a long time, instead of something that’s disposable. Unlike big CBD vapes (see below), CBD vape pens tend to be small and quite discreet, so they can easily be left on your night stand or in the bathroom.

CBD vape pens are used with CBD vape oil, also known as “vape juice” or “CBD e-liquid”.  CBD vape oil is made using a similar process to standard CBD oil in that it is derived from the hemp plant and use CBD extract. However, unlike CBD oil which uses MCT or Olive oil as a carrier, CBD e-liquids use thinning agents such as Vegetable Glycerin (known as VG), a thick, sweet liquid or Propylene Glycol (known as PG), a much thinner and tasteless liquid. It is the presence of these thinning agents that make the CBD e-liquid ok to vape or inhale.

Products using Propylene Glycol tend to produce more of a “throat hit” than Vegetable Glycerin does, and as a result may simulate the feel of smoking better.

5. Canna Union CBD Vape Pen Starter Kit

The Canna Union CBD vape pen is a small USB rechargeable vape pen which offers an enjoyable and effective way of consuming CBD. This starter kit comes with a vape pen, a USB charger and a 1ml cartridge filled with 300mg of CBD.

It is recommended to use this vape pen with Canna Union CBD vape cartridges are these are 100% compatible and design for this particular vape pen. Each pre-filled cartridge contains 400mg of CBD per 1ml cartridge, which equates to approximately 175 puffs per cartridge.

The CBD in Canna Union CBD vape pen is derived from organic hemp plants that are grown under the highest agricultural directives in the Europe and the company use a CO2 extraction process to produce their CBD.

+ Content: 1 x vape pen, 1 x tank & 1 x USB charger
+ CBD: 400mg of CBD per tank
+ Flavours: Unlimited (buy your own flavoured e-liquid)
+ THC Content: Naturally THC-Free
+ Price: £35.95 (incl. 1ml pre-filled cartridge)

6. Vsavi CBD Vape Pen Kit

The Vsavi CBD vape kit is an easy-to-use CBD vape pen for you to enjoy CBD vaping simply and safely. This CBD vape pen is very effective in delivering excellent CBD vapour.

This pen uses a powerful 4.2 volts 250 mAh vape device, which will give you more power for longer, especially when compared to other vape pens which use smaller 3.7 volt batteries.

Note: If you are going to use this for normal vaping and CBD vaping, we highly recommend buying 2 separate tanks and using one for your e-liquid vaping and one for your CBD vaping to avoid crystallisation.

+ Content: 1 x vape pen, 1 x tank & 1 x USB charger
+ CBD:1 x 10ml bottle CBD Vape Oil
+ Flavours: Unlimited (buy your own flavoured e-liquid)
+ THC Content: Naturally THC-Free
+ Price: £42.95

Large Refillable CBD Vapes for ADHD

Large refillable CBD vapes work exactly in the same way as refillable CBD vape pens but are rechargeable using CBD vape oil and are much bulkier so offer a larger tank.

It is worth noting that refillable CBD vape pens often produce more smoke, vapor and flavour than disposable ones as the built quality is better. Whilst they may require some basic maintenance such as changing the coil or cleaning the tank, they tend to be more cost-effective in the long run.

However, they may not be as versatile as CBD pods or refillable CBD vape pens and they are bulkier than smaller CBD vape pens thus less likely to fit in your pocket when you are on the go. They also produce more smoke compared to CBD vape pens, so they may not be as suitable for vaping, depending on the location and time of day.

7. CBDfx CBD Vape Oil Kit

CBDfx CBD Vape Oil Kit offers everything you need to get started vaping CBD. It has an industry leading ceramic glass/steel cartridge and a temperature setting optimized for CBD oil, to give you the best possible vaping experience.

Unlike regular mods, which burn at a higher temperature, produce carcinogens and often ruin the taste of the CBD oil, this mod from CBDfx was designed from the ground up to enhance your CBD vaping experience.

This vape kit oil is incredibly easy to use. Simply fill the cartridge with your preferred CBD vape oil additive and your favourite e-juice, screw the connector ring on to the cartridge and pop it in. It’s that simple and takes 60 seconds.

This kit is built to last and is incredibly well priced at only £29.99!

+ Content: 1 x CBD Vape Oil Kit
+ Size: Small and discrete; only 2oz
+ CBD: Use your own CBD Vape Oil
+ Cartridge: Ceramic Coil, Glass and Steel Cartridge
+ Battery: 1000mAh lithium rechargeable battery
+ Price: £29.99

8. Xeo Void CBD Vaporizer

The VOID vaporizer from Xeo is a great device for both beginners and experienced CBD vapers. This all-in-one CBD and e cigarette device combines the latest and best technology with high-quality German design.

The vape oil kit is equipped with a high performance 1500 mAH battery, top of the range anti-leaking structure and a large 2ml CBD e-liquid capacity, much larger than some of its competitors. The VOID vaporizer can be used for both sub ohm and standard CBD hemp vaping, and it has also been optimised for both normal e liquid and high VG e liquid as well as our CBD vape oils.

As with the Vsavi Vape Pen kit, it is recommended to use a separate tank for your CBD to your tank/coil combination used for regular e-liquid, as this can lead to crystallisation.

The XEO VOID is available in 9 galactic colours and is well priced at only £39.99!

+ Content: 1 x CBD Vaporizer
+ Atomizer Heads: 2 x VOID Atomizer Heads (0.6 Ohm & 1.0 Ohm)
+ CBD: Use your own CBD Vape Oil
+ Tank: 2ml CBD Tank
+ Battery: 1500mAh rechargeable battery
+ Price: £39.99

Four Advantages of CBD Vape Pens

CBD vape pens have four main advantages in comparison to other CBD products such as CBD oils, capsules or gummies.

  • Easy to Use & Discreet: Whether you are vaping using traditional vaping juices or CBD infused e-liquids, most people will not be able to tell the difference especially since many e-liquids come in various flavours.
  • Increased Bioavailability: Inhalation is an efficient way to consume CBD because it bypasses the digestive tract and liver allowing CBD to be readily absorbed through the thin membranes that line the air sacs of the lungs (alveoli) where it enters directly into the bloodstream.
  • Fast Acting: Due to its increased bioavailability, CBD vaping will usually act much faster than other products that needs to go through the digestive tract.
  • Great Tasting: Whilst traditional CBD oil will usually have an earthy or grassy taste, CBD vaping juices will usually be flavoured with agents such as raspberry, lemon, strawberry, peach or blackcurrant making it a great tasting alternative to oils which tend to leave an unpleasant aftertaste in your mouth.

Does Vaping Present Any Risks?

There are a very limited number of studies covering the risks of CBD vaping, but below are two things that we believe are worth considering before starting on your vaping journey.

  • Thinning Agents – A major risk linked to CBD vape pens is thinning agents. Since CBD extract is usually too thick to be used for vaping products, manufacturers use a thinning agent – such as propylene glycol and polyethylene glycol. The downside of thinning agents is that when heated to high temperatures, as is the case with a vape pen, they can break down into potential carcinogenic compounds (resulting in cancer) and may cause respiratory complications.
  • Addiction – Whilst CBD does not have addictive properties, the process of CBD vaping by itself has been found to be addictive by a few studies. The risk of such addiction is simply that your consumption of CBD may increase, especially if you are not tracking your CBD intake closely.

How Much CBD Should You Consume?

CBD doesn’t have one-size-fits-all dosing and calculating a proper dosage of CBD can be tough as our bodies react to it differently.

The four major factors affecting your CBD dosage are:

  • Your weight
  • The condition being treated (i.e. ADHD vs chronic pain etc)
  • The severity of your condition
  • The concentration of CBD oil

Most brands recommend customers start with the lowest dose and increase until they find the right serving size that fits their needs. The most common starting amount is between 10mg and 25mg. For anxiety and depression, the dose can vary from 20mg to 50mg or more.

As a rule of thumb, a person weighting between 10.5 and 17 stones (approximately 150 and 240 lbs) may need between 20mg and 40mg of CBD per day depending on the severity of their symptoms.

CBD e-Liquids Dosage

Now that you know roughly what your CBD intake should be, we can assess how much CBD vape juice you can consume.

Disposable and refillable CBD vapes and CBD pods can be enjoyed in the same way as nicotine smoking using e-cigarettes.

Similar to CBD tinctures, CBD vape juices contain a precise amount of CBD per bottle – usually between 100mg and 800mg of CBD per 10ml bottle – and as such can be much stronger than other CBD products, especially since it has a high absorption rate as it bypasses the digestive system. Be sure to check the strength or your e-liquid and your ideal dosage before vaping it.

When using CBD vapes for the first time, we would always recommend starting with a small dose and working your way up. Most people will start with a 10mg to 25mg of CBD per day to see how their body reacts to it, before increasing the dose by 5mg every 2-5 days if they have not experienced sufficient relief from their conditions or health benefits.

CBD e-Liquid: How Many Drops?

Whilst it may be confusing at the beginning, it’s incredibly simple to work out how many drops of CBD vape oil you need to take depending on your daily requirements and the strength of the product you bought.

Most bottles of CBD e-liquid contain 10ml of product and come in strengths ranging from 100mg to 800mg – also known as 1% and 8% CBD liquids. This simply means that in a 1ml drop of the 100mg bottle, you will have 10mg of CBD, whilst the same 1ml of the 800mg bottle will give you 80mg of CBD.

Assuming you are using the 100mg CBD e-liquid for a daily dose of 20mg, you would need to inhale approximately 2ml of e-liquid per day. If however you bought the 300mg CBD oil, you would only need to take 0.66ml of e-liquid per day to reach the same 20mg target.

CBD / Bottle CBD / 1ml Target*
100mg 10mg 2ml
300mg 30mg 0.66ml
600mg 60mg 0.33ml
800mg 80mg 0.25ml

*based on 20mg of CBD / day

As with everything, start with a small amount of CBD oil daily to make sure there’s no reaction, then increase slowly by 5mg 3-5 days until finding the right balance.

Does CBD Have Side Effects?

Most people do not experience any side effects when taking CBD as this is a natural product. However, as with everything, some people may experience mild side effects from the hemp extract, including:

  • Diarrhoea
  • Changes in appetite and weight
  • Nausea
  • Fatigue
  • Irritability
  • Drowsiness

The best way to decrease adverse reactions is to simply lower your daily intake of CBD until the side effects have completely disappeared.

Is CBD Legal?

CBD products are legal in the UK as long as the plant which have been grown contain less than 0.2% of THC, the legal limit in the UK. The reason for this is that THC is known to be a psychotropic substance and limiting the amount of THC ensures that CBD is safe to consume and will not have any psychoactive effects. In other words, CBD won’t get you “high”.

Personal Use

You will not be arrested or fined for buying, consuming or carrying CBD products, anywhere in the UK, as long as it has less than 0.2% THC in it.

What is illegal is to grow the hemp plant(s) yourself, at home. Growth for personal use is strictly prohibited by the Misuse of Drugs Act of 1971. To do so, could result in up to 5 years in prison and/or an unlimited fine.

New Regulations & Guidelines

As CBD is eaten or drunk it falls under “novel foods”, which means that the Food Standards Agency (FSA) oversees CBD products and they can therefore enforce new laws and regulations and they have recently done so.

Since the 31st of March 2021, all CBD products must be approved by the FSA in order to be sold in the UK. Failure to do so will result in the products being removed from the shelf. This request for approval means that the exact ingredients within a CBD will be known, making it safer for the general public.

CBD Vaping: What Oil Should I Use?

Whilst CBD vape or vape pens use CBD oil, it is important to note that the CBD oil used for vaping is different from traditional CBD oil – also called CBD tinctures – that you may ingest by leaving under your tongue for 30-60 seconds.

This can be quite confusing for people who have never used CBD products before, as CBD tinctures (used sublingually) and CBD vape oil (used for vaping) are both referred to as ‘CBD oil’. The best way to not get mixed-up is to differentiate them by calling CBD tinctures (which are ingested) CBD oil and by calling vaping oils one of the following: CBD vape oil, CBD e-liquid or CBD vape juice.

CBD oil is strictly for ingestion purpose and should not be used for inhalation or vaping as these products were not designed to be exposed to high heats for vaporisation, unlike CBD vape juices and e-liquids.

CBD vape oil is made using a similar process to standard CBD oil in that it is derived from the hemp plant and use CBD extract. However, unlike CBD oil which use MCT or Olive oil as a carrier, CBD vape juices use thinning agents such as Vegetable Glycerin (known as VG), a thick, sweet liquid or Propylene Glycol (known as PG), a much thinner and tasteless liquid. It is the presence of these thinning agents that make the CBD juice ok to vape or inhale.

Products using Propylene Glycol tend to produce more of a “throat hit” than Vegetable Glycerin does, and as a result may simulate the feel of smoking better.

Other CBD Vape Pens for ADHD

Whilst we believe the 8 CBD vape pens recommended in this guide are some of the best on the market for ADHD, pain relief and sleep based on their effectiveness, quality and value for money, below are additional product recommendations we’ve tried and believe you’ll love.

Best CBD Vape Pen Reviews

If you are suffering from another conditions such as arthritis, back pain, fibromyalgia, or if anxiety and insomnia are getting in the way of your day-to-day life, be sure to check our dedicated CBD vape pen recommendations below:

If after reading this guide you are still unsure about what CBD vape pen to choose, simply take our CBD Quiz which has been designed specifically to identify the CBD vape pen that is best suited to your personal needs.


Take the CBD Quiz

To see what CBD product is best for you.